
The Senior Customer Complaints Office is an impartial body within TD charged with reviewing escalated Canadian customer complaints that remain unresolved after the completion of the first two steps of TD's Customer Problem Resolution Process.

Kerry Robbins is the Vice President & Head of the Senior Customer Complaints Office. Kerry has been with TD for over 25 years in increasingly senior roles in a wide variety of areas, including Direct Channels, Branch Banking, and Real Estate Secured Lending. Kerry has a BA from King's University College at Western University and a Masters of Business Administration from Anglia Business School in Cambridge, England.

She also serves as Director on the board of the London Chamber of Commerce. Kerry的深厚經驗與業務知識以及廣泛的人際關係網絡、對公平公正的觀感和誠信,在道明銀行備受認可。

The Senior Customer Complaints Office (SCCO) is an impartial body within TD Bank Group ("TD" or "Bank") charged with reviewing Canadian customer complaints that remain unresolved after the completion of the first two steps of TD's Customer Problem Resolution Process.我們的辦公室將調查投訴,並擔任客戶與TD各業務部門之間的聯絡人,包括道明加拿大信託、道明加拿大汽車貸款、道明財富(加拿大)、道明自管投資和道明保險。我們的辦公室並不直接向任何這些業務部門匯報工作,以確保在處理客戶問題時保持公正。如果投訴屬於我們的職責範圍內,我們的服務將免費提供給所有道明客戶。

盡管我們的申訴專員辦公室致力於妥善處理所有道明客戶投訴,但一些常見投訴並不屬於我們的審核範圍。 Unless there are extenuating circumstances, the SCCO Office will not review complaints relating to:

  • The content of Bank policies, including credit granting or risk management decisions
  • 利率水平
  • 其他公布的收費或費用
  • 已開始訴訟或已結束訴訟的事務
  • 尚未經過道明客戶爭議解決程序前兩步調查的投訴


Review the SCCO Annual Report.

Clients must complete Step 1 and 2 of the TD Complaint Resolution process before the SCCO will be able to review their case.

Email: td.scco@td.com



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