"At TDAM, environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors are an important area of focus and research. We actively engage with companies and leverage our asset ownership positions by seeking to effect change on ESG-related risks and opportunities with an aim to help maximize the overall long-term value of investments."

Priti Shokeen

Managing Director, Head of the ESG Research and Engagement Team, TD Asset Management Inc.

ESG Integration1

ESG factors can impact our assessment of investment risks and opportunities. Compatible with our goal of seeking to provide strong risk adjusted returns, we believe it is important to consider material ESG factors as part of the investment process.

For more information on ESG integration across investment teams, such as, Fundamental Equities, Quantitative Equities, Fixed Income and Alternative Assets, please refer to TDAM's Sustainable Investing Approach.

View TDAM's Sustainable Investing Approach

View the TDAM Sustainable Investment Report - 2023

1 Integration of ESG factors in the investment process excludes certain strategies and asset classes, including but not limited to index-tracking funds and certain third-party sub-advised strategies.

What are ESG Factors?

A few examples of ESG factors include:

  • Environmental

    Conservation of the natural world (climate change & carbon emissions, air and water pollution, biodiversity, deforestation, energy efficiency, waste management, water scarcity).

  • 社群

    Consideration of people and relationships (customer satisfaction, data protection, privacy, gender & diversity, employee engagement, community relations, human rights, labour standards).

  • 治理

    Standards for running a company (board composition, audit committee structure, bribery and corruption, executive compensation, lobbying, political contributions, whistleblower schemes).

Achievements and Initiatives

  • TD Asset Management supports the 30% club new statement of intent calling on companies to achieve the 30% threshold of women on corporate boards and in executive management positions.
    Click here to learn more.
  • TD Asset Management (TDAM) is a signatory to the Statement by the Quebec Financial Centre for a Sustainable Finance- a charter of commitments by stakeholders in the Quebec financial sector in favor of finance that is based on responsible principles. Click here to learn more.
  • Supporting Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) - View the latest PRI Summary Assessment.
  • TDAM is a member of International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) to help promote corporate governance standards and best practices in global markets.
  • TDAM is a supporter of the Taskforce on Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). As supporters of the TCFD recommendations and end-users of TCFD reporting TDAM will be better equipped to evaluate and manage climate related risks and opportunities in our portfolios and potentially add more value for investors.
  • TD Asset Management Inc. (TDAM) is a signatory to the 2021 Global Investor Statement to Governments on the Climate Crisis. As a signatory of the Statement to world governments, TDAM is urging them to undertake five priority actions to accelerate climate investment before COP26. 點擊此處了解更多資訊。
  • TD Asset Management Inc. (TDAM) is a signatory to the Canadian Investor Statement on Climate Change. As a signatory, TDAM calls on companies to establish long-term and interim GHG emissions reduction targets that are based on climate science and are aligned with the ambition of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. Click here to learn more.
  • TDAM is a Founding Participant in Climate Engagement Canada (CEC), which aims to drive dialogue between the financial community and Canadian corporations to promote a just transition to a NetZero economy. Click here to learn more.
  • Supporting Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) since 2008. TDAM was among the first Canadian bank-owned asset managers to sign the United Nations-backed PRI.
  • A Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) signatory for CDP Climate Change, Forests, and Water. CDP envisions a thriving economy that benefits our people and planet in the long-term.
  • A Canadian Coalition of Good Governance (CCGG) participant that promotes good governance in Canadian public companies, improves the regulatory environment, and aligns board interests with shareholder interests.
  • A Climate Action 100+ signatory for an investor initiative that holds the world's largest greenhouse gas emitters accountable for their impacts on climate change.
  • An Investor Stewardship Group (ISG) signatory for an investor-led organization that established a framework of basic investment stewardship and corporate governance standards.
  • An active member of the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB), the leading ESG benchmark for real assets.
  • Strong collaboration with regulators, stock exchanges, global peers, and ESG data providers to strengthen the sustainable finance agenda. TDAM was one of twenty institutional investors to join a pilot project conducted by the United Nations Environment Programme - Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) to assess how climate change could impact investor portfolios worldwide. 了解更多
  • Institutional Investor signatory to RIA Canada's Canadian Investor Statement on Diversity & Inclusion. As statement that acknowledges the existence of systemic racism and its impacts on Black and Indigenous communities and People of Colour in Canada and globally.

Stewardship and Proxy Voting

TDAM takes an active stewardship approach across its equity, fixed income and alternative asset portfolios, including engagement with companies and proxy voting on certain ESG-related issues. These elements of stewardship serve as avenues to both develop a better understanding of a company and allow us to convey our views to the board and management.

View the TD Asset Management Proxy Voting Guidelines

View TD Asset Management - Proxy Voting Policy & Procedures

View TDAM's Proxy Voting Records

"View TDAM's Proxy Voting Records" link takes you to a third party site not affiliated with TDAM. The site is for informational purposes only. If you choose to visit it, you will be subject to its terms of use and privacy policies, over which TDAM has no control. TDAM does not endorse and makes no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, currency, or reliability of the site's content. Alternative formats of these documents are available upon request by calling 1-800-588-8054 or sending a message at tdadvisor@td.com.

TDAM's Quarterly Proxy Voting Reports













We engage in all corporate responsibility matters relating to our parent company, TD. TD is targeting C$1 billion by 2030 in community giving in areas that support change, nurture progress, and contribute to making the world a better place: Financial Security, Vibrant Planet, Connected Communities, Better Health.

Learn more about how TD is helping create a more vibrant planet

See the latest ESG reports on TD performance data, as well as disclosures and position statements on important ESG topics. 了解更多


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  • 基本的投資目標是在遵循對社會負責的投資方法,同時尋求實現長期資本增值。該基金可能主要投資北美股票,或獲得投資北美股票的機會。

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  • Managing Director, Head of the ESG Research and Engagement Team, TD Asset Management Inc.

  • 道明資產管理有限公司副總裁

  • 道明資產管理有限公司副總裁